Nikko Toshogu Shrine
Nearest Point
Phone Number
(@Nov. 2004)
Route Map1
Route Map2
Route Map3

Right bank 111.2Km point of the Kinugawa River
about 17,500m
Sannai Nikko-City Tochigi-pref.
Adult 1300 yen

Toshogu shrine was established by the will of Shogun Ieyasu Tokugawa to honor his spirits.
The building on the photograph above is the Yomeimon gate.

Going through the Ichino-torii gateway which is made of
marble, and go to the front gate.
Above the stable, there is a sculpture of three monkeys who
are prohibited from seeing, saying nor hearing.

Route guide

New road 248 has almost finished except for the area of
Nanasato-ohashi bridge, and is very comfortable for bikes,
as it has wide sidewalk on November 2004.
There is a bike way between Kiyohara-town and Kawahara-
On the road 461 ,there also are sidewalks.
The tower Gojunoto was built in 1818, as the first tower which
had been built in 1650 was burn down in 1815.